Effective Date: 1st August 2024

At Thumb360 Digital and Consulting Services Pvt Ltd., we strive to provide our clients with the highest level of service. We understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel or request a refund for our services. Below is our policy on cancellations and refunds.

1. Cancellation Policy

1.1 Service-Based Cancellations

  • Pre-Service Cancellation: If you decide to cancel your service before any work has commenced, you will be entitled to a full refund of the amount paid.
  • Ongoing Services Cancellation: If you wish to cancel ongoing services, you may do so by providing a written notice 15 days in advance. Any payments made for services beyond the 15-day notice period will be refunded, minus any work already completed and associated costs.
  • Project-Based Services: For project-based services, cancellation requests must be made in writing before the project start date. If cancellation is requested after the project has started, refunds will be issued at our discretion, based on the amount of work completed up to the point of cancellation.

1.2 Non-Refundable Services

  • Certain services, such as custom digital assets, strategy consultations, and any other service specifically indicated as non-refundable, cannot be refunded once delivered.

2. Refund Policy

2.1 Full Refund Eligibility

  • You are eligible for a full refund if you cancel a service before work begins or if we fail to deliver the agreed-upon service as per the contract terms.

2.2 Partial Refund Eligibility

  • Partial refunds may be granted for services canceled after work has commenced. The refund amount will be calculated based on the work completed and resources allocated to your project.

2.3 No Refunds

  • Refunds will not be provided for completed services where the work has been fully delivered as per the agreed scope.

3. Refund Process

3.1 Requesting a Refund

  • To request a refund, please contact us at admin@thumb360.com with your service details and reason for the request. All refund requests will be processed within 10-15 business days of receipt.

3.2 Refund Method

  • Refunds will be issued using the original payment method. If this is not possible, alternative arrangements will be made in agreement with the client.

3.3 Disputed Charges

  • If you believe there has been an error in billing, please contact us immediately. We will review the charges and, if necessary, process a refund.

4. Changes to this Policy

Thumb360 reserves the right to modify or update this Cancellation and Refund Policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.

Contact Us
For any questions regarding this policy, please contact us at: